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来源:西湖黄龙校区新航道培训学校时间:2023/12/15 17:19:52


雅思口语评分标准中词汇(Lexical Resources)这一块的评分细节提到a range of words;less common vocabulary;paraphrase以及idiom等。也就是在词汇量,同义替换以及习语的使用方面都有一定的要求。今天就聊聊词汇该如何习得、积累和使用。



We agreed on that price. (在价格上意见一致)下面几句意思不变,词性和方向变了。We were in agreement on that price.We reached agreement on that price.None of us disagreed on that price.  (dis-在这里是表示反义的前缀)查字典的时候,要养成读英文释义的习惯。比如牛津字典中对agreement有这样的解释:[U] the state of sharing the same opinion or feeling (意见或看法一致)。对consensus这个词的解释是:an opinion that all members of a group agree with (一致的意见;共识)。因此以下替换也是成立的(不再出现agree这个原词):We shared the same opinion on that price.We reached a consensus on that price.        之前把consensus当生词的同学们,查字典时发现consensus的解释里出现agree,要把两者的关联性记住哦。consensus这个词怎么记呢?con-这个前缀表示with/together,sens词根表示sense,us部分联想成“我们”。consensus就变成了“我们有着同样的感受”→“一致的意见;共识”。


 Describe a famous athlete that you know (有名的运动员)


我们可以想到的内容包括:What competition has earned him or her international/national fame(名望,声誉)? 鉴于英文字典中对well-known的解释是:A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar, 因此可以用well-known替换famous。而a famous athlete 则可以直接说成celebrity:A celebrity(名人)  is someone who is famous, especially in areas of entertainment such as movies, music, writing, or sports. 如果这个运动员出名到了家喻户晓的地步,则可以用a household name/word:Someone or something that is a household name or word is very well known.

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study? 

习惯说very important的同学,可以考虑essential这个词,该词较常用的意思是completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity SYN vital (完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的)。e.g. Experience is essential for this job. 对于这个工作,经验是非常重要的。 e.g. It is essential that you have some experience. 你必须得有些经验。至于习语,可以用与difference相关的表达:e.g. I don't think it makes a lot of difference  (= it is not important) . 我认为无关紧要。习语是文化的沉淀,习语的使用可以使回答更生动,接地气。选几个这一季度考过的memory相关的题为例(part1和part3都有):



Are you good at memorizing things?


Have you everforgotten something that was important?


Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?


Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?


Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?


Can technology help people remember things better?How?



have a memory/mind like a sieve


( informal ) to have a very bad memory; to forget things easily 记性差;健忘




 have a memory like an elephant



commit sth to memory


 If you commit something to memory, you learn it so that you will remember it.   把...记住

e.g.  I’ll repeat that so you can commit it to memory.


再看当季Time management系列话题(part1)


When do you find it hard to allocate time?


有同学回答:同时做好几件事情的时候。那么除了multitask这个动词,有没有更形象的表达?have several irons in the fire 这个习语,字面意思是火里同时烙了几块铁,也就是指同时要做几件事情,同时进行多个计划:If someone has a lot of irons in the fire, they are involved in several different activities or have several different plans.这个Time management 系列话题中较后一道题是:

 Do you like being busy?



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