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来源:深圳启德雅思托福培训机构时间:2020/10/21 14:25:01



  1.stationery 文具

  The envelopes and other office stationery are at the top of the bookshelf.

  2.steer 驾驶

  When l was a kid, about six or seven, she would often let me steer the car alongour driveway.

  3.stern 苛刻的

  George Washington was a stern administrator , deeply religious , a sticker for rules and a strict military disciplinarian .

  4.stuffy nose 鼻塞

  A stuffy nose is one of the most commonly experienced symptoms and is more likely to be annoying than other symptoms.

  5.termina l终点站(机场候机楼)

  Airport Authority officials carried out athorough inspection of the terminal.

  6.timber 木料

  All this timber was piled up under a large shed, built near the chimneys, and there awaited the time for use.

  7.trolley 手推车

  When you go into a supermarket,first of all you must pick out a trolley , roll it around from aisle to aisle.

  8.uncooperative 不合作的

  They were uncooperative,disorganisedand argued and played very loudly to theextent that they were disruptive.

  9.underage 未成年的

  Just last week Cambodian police raided arecruitment firm and freed 35 underagerecruits.

  10.vaccine 疫苗

  Last week, the United States Departmentof Agriculture announced that it had ap-proved the first vaccine for it.

  11.vacuum 吸尘器

  A good stable vacuum must be safe andpowerful and easy to maneuver.

  12.vegetation 植被

  Looking out of the train window, l spot-ted a pair of camels feeding on the sparsevegetation. 广告公开课全民学雅思词汇课 阶段三 List1ToL ist8 361人已报名|共8讲 ¥0 费用计算器 申请指南 顾问团队智能选校 留学活动 留学方案大学排名 雅思模考 托福模考更多雅思听力进阶指南,专治各种听不懂!雅思听力地图题的套路!雅思听力填空题技巧大放送,快拿好!雅思听力听不懂“连读”应该怎么解决 2022年雅思听力考试趋势预测 2022年雅思听力考试备考建议立即报名相关文章郑州 留学首页 出国申请 托福 雅思 大学排名 必备词汇 课程或班号咨询电话0元约课在线客服回到顶部 2022/8/19 雅思听力易错词汇(1-14)-新东方网 http://ielts.xdf.cn/202110/11228816.html 2/2

  13.venue 场地

  The venue is usually the biggest expenseof any wedding.

  14.videotape 录影带

  After the videotape presentation aboutone third of the audience stayed on tolearn the Convenient Method.


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