
位置:广州花都区小码王编程培训品牌 > 学校动态 > 一.年级孩子可以玩C++吗


来源:广州花都区小码王编程培训品牌时间:2023/9/25 18:04:23

  C++不同于scratch,没有图形化的动画体验感。但是这一点儿不妨碍它成为小孩子入门编程语言的zui佳选择之一。当然选择python, java, c, javascript等等,都没有关系,因为他们都只是一种编程语言,即让计算机听的懂的语言。





  C++ programming language is highly versatile, making it great for a wide range of goals. The language is welcoming, practical, and allows kids to easily share concepts with other kids. It also gives programmers more freedom to do what they want.

  C++ offers high performance and exact control. Applications range from video games to software to even artificial intelligence!

  Keep in mind that no language is better than another language. Each one excels in its own way. The key is learning them and finding the right fit!






  1. Container: 容器

  This is an object that contains other objects (known as elements). Each container handles the storage memory for and access to its elements.

  2. Compiler: 编译器

  A utility program that transforms your code into executable files.

  3. Function: 函数

  A set of statements that, as a group, perform a specific task.

  4. IDE: 集成开发环境

  Short for Integrated Development Environment, an IDE is an application for building software. In other words, it helps you write your code.

  5. Standard Library: 标准库

  The C++ Standard Library offers a multitude of generic containers and functions written in the core language.

  6. Syntax: 语法

  As mentioned already, this is the set of rules for symbols, spelling, and grammar. This tells the device how to read your code.

  7. Template :模板

  Allows you to create classes or functions that work with different data types.

  8. Text editor: 文本编辑器

  A program that lets you enter, change, store, and (typically) print plain text.

  9. Variable: 变量

  This represents the name (or basic unit) given to a memory location.



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