
位置:石家庄集思未来在线科研背景提升 > 学校动态 > 集思未来科宏观经济学专题:经济运行规律与经济增长效率研究


来源:石家庄集思未来在线科研背景提升时间:2023/7/18 11:43:18


开始日期: 2023-09-23

课时安排: 7周在线小组科研学习+5周不论文指导学习


适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生

适合专业 (Major): 适合对于经济学、宏观经济学、劳动经济学、经济分析、货币经济学等专业感兴趣或希望修读相关专业的学生

Instructor Introduction导师介绍
牛津大学 University of Oxford终身教职

Arhat 导师在牛津大学多个学院(赛德商学院、布拉塞诺斯学院、圣凯瑟琳学院)担任经济学/财务会计终身教职,导师本科毕业于牛津大学PPE专业,后进入LSE攻读经济学硕士学位,并在此基础上获得了LSE的数学和哲学博士学位。得益于导师出众的交叉能力,他的金融经济学专业的研究成果和教学水平受到了业内的一致好评。导师在LSE任职期间多次获得学生评选出的教师奖项。导师除了在学术研究方面颇有建树之外,他在实践工作中也经验丰富。导师持有英国精算协会正式会员席位,也曾是百慕大金融管理局(BMA)高管团队的一员,任职于BMA的政策、研究与风险部门。导师曾在多家机构和企业担任顾问,其中包括百慕大金融管理局、百慕大银行、百慕大政府、英国外交部、德国财政部等。

Arhat’s areas of expertise span the economics, finance, and accounting disciplines. He holds Lectureships in Economics at Christ Church and St Catherine’s College within the University of Oxford. In previous years, while at Oxford, he held Lectureships in Economics at Brasenose College, St John’s College, St Peter’s College and Hertford College, as well as a Lectureship in Management at Hertford College. Arhat serves as an adjunct member of the Economics Faculty at Hong Kong University, as well as being a Research Associate at the London School of Economics (LSE). Arhat is also a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Arhat’s areas of expertise span across economics, finance, accounting, and philosophy. He holds Lectureships in Economics at Oriel and St Catherine’s Colleges within the University of Oxford. In previous years, he held Lectureships in Economics and in Management at several Oxford colleges. Arhat serves as an adjunct member of the Economics Faculty at Hong Kong University, as well as being a Research Associate at the London School of Economics (LSE). Arhat is also a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Prior to returning to Oxford in 2014, Arhat was a member of the senior management team at the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA), working as a Director of Policy, Research and Risk; the BMA is the integrated regulator of Bermuda’s financial services industry. Previous to that, he held positions as a London School of Economics (LSE) Fellow in Economics, a Research Fellow in the Philosophy of Economics at the University of Bielefeld and a Visiting Lecturer in Economics at City University (London).


牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称“牛津”(Oxford),位于英国牛津,世界的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制。其与剑桥大学并称为牛剑,是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为“金三角名校”和“G5超级大学”。牛津大学的具体建校时间已不可考,但有档案明确记载的较早的授课时间为1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英国皇室的大力支持而发展。 牛津大学是英语世界中较古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构。该校涌现了一批引领时代的科学巨匠,培养了大量纪元的艺术大师、,其中包括28位英国首相及数十位世界各国、政商界。牛津大学在数学、物理、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界较的高等教育机构之一。从1902年起,牛津大学还设立了面向全世界本科生的“罗德奖学金”。截止至2019年3月,牛津大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有72位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第九)、3位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第二十)、6位图灵奖得主(世界第九)。

Program Background项目背景


With the outbreak of the economic crisis in the 1930s and the publication of Keynes' book "The General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money", macroeconomics gradually developed into an independent theoretical system in economics based on the theory of income and employment proposed by Keynes. Unlike microeconomics, which focuses on the individual in the economy and society, macroeconomics takes the overall economic value of the nation and society as the object of study, and is a field of economics that uses general statistical concepts such as national income, investment and consumption of the economy as a whole to analyze the laws of economic operation. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts and theories of macroeconomics and learn how to use classical economic models in macroeconomic analysis.

Program Description项目介绍

本课程向学生介绍宏观经济学家设计的较具影响力和说服力的理论模型,以解释产出、失业和通货膨胀等相关的宏观经济问题。学生将理解主要宏观经济事实和事件的逻辑以及经济模型计算框架,并发展使用正确宏观经济工具解释具体经济问题和政策建议的能力。本课程特别适用于那些希望在私营和公共部门、公共政策、教育、新闻、外交、社会科学和国际事务领域从事咨询工作的人。它也适用于任何对经济学以及政治、哲学和经济史等相关领域的研究感兴趣的人。该课程将带领学生学习IS-PC-MR模型、IS-PC-MR模型的新凯恩斯主义扩展、菲利普斯曲线、劳动就业和货币政策等宏观经济学理论。本课程将重点关注解宏观经济学的关键驱动因素及其影响我们日常生活的宏观经济学因素。基本经济学的常识和认知有助于帮助我们更好的理解项目的内容,如通货膨胀、利率、GDP等。 This course introduces students to the most influential and compelling theories designed by macroeconomists to explain issues related to the determination of output, unemployment and inflation. Students will acquire a logical and consistent framework for understanding the main macroeconomic facts and events, and develop the ability to employ the correct macroeconomic tool(s) to explain specific macroeconomic issues and justify policy proposals. This course is particularly relevant for those of you who want to go on to careers in consulting in both the private and public sectors, public policy, education, journalism, diplomacy, social science and international affairs. It is also relevant for anyone interested in pursuing advanced study in economics, as well as in related fields such as politics, philosophy and economic history.


产品市场与货币市场分析 Representing Demand: The IS-LM Model

通货膨胀与失业 Representing Supply: Inflation and the Phillips Curve

现代经济的央行货币调控 Modern Macro: the need for a Monetary Rule

开放经济模型分析 The Open Economy

经济增长分析 Economic Growth

项目回顾与成果展示 Program Review and Presentation

论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring

Program Outcome项目收获

7周在线小组科研学习+5周不论文指导学习 共125课时


学员获主导师Reference Letter





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