
位置:西安集思未来背景提升在线科研 > 学校动态 > 2023暑期线下科研·海外:哥伦比亚大学教授传播与传媒研


来源:西安集思未来背景提升在线科研时间:2023/4/8 11:46:28


开始日期: 2023-07-08

课时安排: 2周专业预修+2周在线科研+2周深⼊⾯授科研与实验室Workshop


  Prerequisites 适合人群

  适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生

  适合专业 (Major): 欲申请世界学校传播学、传媒学、数字媒体艺术、视觉研究、大众传媒研究、广播电影艺术等相关专业的学生

  Instructor Introduction 导师介绍


  哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University终身正教授&项目主任

  Ross教授是哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院的终身正教授,研究领域为英语语言文学、传媒学与电影艺术研究。Ross的研究范围十分广阔,从宗教改革到浪漫主义的元历史,以及从自然哲学到早期现代科学的转变。同时他还对传播编年史学及其影响感兴趣。Ross曾是耶鲁大学的传播学教授,并在约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)获得博士后奖学金。 他的本书《意外:文学和哲学史》(芝加哥大学出版社,2008年)追溯了20世纪后期的电影,讨论了亚里士多德关于偶然或非本质的概念的转变和变化。它在2007年至2008年获得了美国公民自由协会(ACLA)颁发的哈利·莱文文学奖(Harry Levin Prize)与较佳文学史作品奖。第二本书《坠落:文学、科学和社会变革》(Falling: Literature, Science and Social Change)探讨了文学中从自然哲学到早期现代科学的模式转变与相似之处。 Ross编辑过Tom Jones的作品,还写于Wordsworth、Erasmus Darwin、Jean-Jacques Rousseau等人的文章。18世纪的文化、戏剧和小说的兴起,以及Pieter Bruegel的绘画作品也是Ross的主要兴趣范围,并且创作过很多相关文章。 Ross specializes in metahistorical patterns from the Reformation to Romanticism, as well as the shift from natural philosophy to early modern science. He is also interested in the Annales historians and their influence. He was a prize teaching fellow at Yale, and held a post-doctorate fellowship at Johns Hopkins University. His first book, Accident: A Literary and Philosophical History (University of Chicago Press, 2008), traces the transformations and mutations of Aristotle's notion of the accidental or inessential from Sophocles to late 20th century film. It won the Harry Levin Prize from the ACLA for best work of literary history in 2007-8. A second book, Falling: Literature, Science and Social Change, explores literary analogues to the paradigm shift from natural philosophy to early modern science described by Thomas Kuhn, among others. In addition to editing Tom Jones, he has written articles on Wordsworth, Erasmus Darwin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the eighteenth century culture of gambling, theater and the rise of the novel, and the paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

  任职学校 ...展开 

  Program Background 项目背景


  Program Description 项目介绍


  学生将进入到世界学府-哥伦比亚大学,在为期两周的实地科研学习中与教授、Teaching Fellow面对面交流,在实验室中将理论与实践结合沉浸式感受浓厚的学术氛围。用餐在校内食堂、住宿在学校宿舍中、生活在美丽、静谧的校园内,学生将真正零距离体验学校文化与生活方式。

  We derive much of our information about the world from visual media. Social networks, television, cinema:all shape our aesthetic sensibilities and our political visions. Yet we often lack a basic understanding of what could be called “visual literacy.” This introductory course gives students the critical tools to analyze how film and other visual media really work – in order to appreciate their artistic and social achievements, as well as to guard against their insidious manipulative devices. In the first part of the course, we focus on film analysis through a detailed study of the different production phases of filmmaking – from screenwriting and mise-en-scène to editing and scoring. We pay special attention to the way in which certain stylistic choices have particular ideological effects. The second part of the course looks at film history through a comprehensive, chronological overview of its main movements and periods, including the silent period, the coming of sound in Hollywood cinema, post-war Italian Neorealism, the emergence of world auteurs, New Waves of the 1960s and 1970s, etc. Students use the hermeneutical tools learnt in film analysis to intellectually engage with some film masterworks of the 20th century. In the third and final part of the course, we study the major debates of film theory from perspectives such as auteurism, formalism, psychoanalysis, Marxism, feminism, postcolonial and queer studies.

  Syllabus 项目大纲

  导言:什么是电影艺术与视觉媒体?What is Film? What is Visual Media?

  视觉媒体研究概念 Concepts in Visual Media Studies

  视觉媒体:从影院荧屏到手机屏幕 Visual Media on Screen from Cinema to Cell Phones

  以电影史为例分析视觉媒体艺术的发展Looking into film history: the silent period, the coming of sound in Hollywood cinema, Italian Neorealism and the emergence of world auteurs and New Waves of the 1960s and 1970s

  以电影艺术为例分析现代社会文化背景影响下的传播理论主要争论点Major debates of film theory

  自然世界与视觉媒体 The Natural World and Visual Media

  项目回顾与成果展示 Program Review and Presentation

  论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring

  Program Outcome 项目收获




  学员获主导师Reference Letter





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