
位置:苏州虎丘区新东方雅思托福培训机构 > 学校动态 > 雅思口语7分动词短语积累


来源:苏州虎丘区新东方雅思托福培训机构时间:2023/6/21 15:14:34


  1. bring something up

  释 义: start talking about a subject 提到….

  例句: My mother has no patience to listen when my father brings up sports.

  可用话题: sports ; leisure time and relaxing

  2. call something off

  释义: cancel 取消

  例句: It is rude to call off the appointment with the manager before the interview.

  可用话题: job

  3. calm down

  释义: relax after being angry 冷静

  例句: It is hard to calm down when I watch the horror movie.

  可用话题: movie

  4. come down with something

  释义: become sick染上病

  例句: It is easy to come down with some strange illness if we do not notice hygiene.

  可用话题: health

  5. cut something off

  释义: stop providing中断

  例句: Our parents will cut off our living expenses immediately when we begin to work.

  可用话题: work; parents

  6. ask around

  释义: ask many people the same question 到处打听

  例句: People used to ask around when they go to a new place.

  可用话题: travel

  7. back someone up

  释义: support 支持

  例句: My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.

  可用话题: friends and family;job

  8. blow up

  释义: exaggerate夸大

  例句: Newspapers sometimes will blow up the story.

  可用话题: news

  9. break down

  释义: stop functioning (vehicle, machine) 出故障

  例句: Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.

  可用话题: travel

  10. break out in something

  释义: develop a skin condition 突然…

  例句: I broke out in a rash(疹子) after our camping trip.

  可用话题: travel

  11. bring someone down

  释义: make unhappy使情绪沮丧

  例句: Blues usually bring me down.

  可用话题: music


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