
位置:杭州文都考研培训学校 > 学校动态 > 2023考研英语纲解析作文样题


来源:杭州文都考研培训学校时间:2022/9/17 20:16:28



Part A


Read the following post from a message board and write a note in reply.

Native tutor required for online Chinese teaching job 5-15 USD
per hour
My 8 year-old girl is a beginner in Chinese learning, and she needs help with this language to up her grades. Please let me know if you can help her. Have you taught kids before? What is your availability?
Apply Now


Write your answer in about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name in your note; use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)

以上是根据较 新的2023考研英语(一)大纲,文都集团为考研学子们罗列出的考研英语(一)小作文新增样题示例。根据新给出的样题,广大考生需要提前为小作文总结相应的框架、例句、核心词汇,提升自己的核心竞争力,为达到理想分数做出的努力。




Read the following except from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples. Write your answer in 160-200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

Many of us, whatever our field of work, fear that showing uncertainty can damage our image — and we may compensate by expressing overconfidence in an attempt to win trust. But in many situations people are willing to trust those who can admit they don’t have a definitive answer. Recent studies found that communicating uncertainty and even admitting our mistakes is not harmful and can even be beneficial to trust worthiness. So by failure in “expertise” can be compensated by higher integrity and benevolence. When communicating uncertainty in a transparent way,we are perceived as less biased and willing to tell the truth.



Write an essay based on the charts below. In your essay, you should

1)describe the charts briefly,

2)interpret the charts, and

3)give your comments.

Write your answer in 160-200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

以上是根据较 新发布的2023考研英语(一)大纲,文都教育为考研学子们罗列出的考研英语(一)大作文新增样题示例。




尊重原创文章,转载请注明出处与链接:http://www.peixun360.com/6014/news/563186/违者必究! 以上就是杭州文都考研培训学校 小编为您整理 2023考研英语纲解析作文样题的全部内容。
