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来源:广州天河区学为贵雅思托福英语培训学校时间:2023/3/8 9:58:03

Some people think the government should pay for health care and education,but others believe it is not the government's responsibility.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  1 题目大意
  有些人认为政 府应该支付医疗和教育费用,但其他人认为这不是政 府的责任。讨论双方观点并给出自己的看法。
  2 思路解析
  这是一道双边类大作文,讨论的是政 府是否应该支付医疗和教育费用。双边讨论类的题目,可以自由讨论双方各自的利弊,你可以同意某一方观点也可以持中立(都同意或都反对)。审题时需要注意,题目中提及“health care and education”,因此在论证时分别阐述。下面月半鸭和大家一起来看下具体观点。
  首先来看政 府应该支出的观点,有三个方面。
  一是政 府向公民收取了税收,因此有责任提供基本的医疗和教育服务,来保障居民基本的生存权益,特别是向那些自身有困难的家庭。
  再来看不应该是政 府责任的原因,可以有两个角度。
  一是政 府资金是有限的,覆盖所有人的医疗和教育需求会极大增加政 府的支出,甚至影响到其他必要领域的投入。并且,政 府很有可能进一步增加个人税收来满足财政支持,这反而增加个人负担。
  二是作为独立自主的人,应当为自己或家人的健康、教育等福祉负责,特别是一些个性化或更高的要求,不应该让政 府买单,因为这本质上是在消耗别人缴纳的税收来满足自己的需求。
  3 提纲

  4 范文示例
  There are differing opinions about whether authorities should bear the entire cost of healthcare and education.While some argue that both should be entirely funded by the official administration,I believe that citizens should also contribute partly towards these expenses.
  On the one hand,expenditure on medical treatment and education should be the government's top priority for two primary reasons.Initially,a well-developed wellness system can not only improve the well-being of individuals,but also stimulate society production.A person with a major illness,for instance,would be unable to live a joyful,productive,and significant life.Second,a quality education supports social stability by lowering the crime rate.Those with a tertiary degree are capable of obtaining a solid work with a satisfactory income,but the less-educated populace has a difficult and miserable life.As a result,individuals are more likely to commit criminal acts,such as robbery,to make a living.
  However,while some contend that these expenses should be entirely borne by the government,others,including myself,believe that individuals should take on a portion of these costs.One compelling rationale for this is that when people are financially invested in their health and education,they are more likely to take an active interest in these areas and feel a greater sense of ownership over them.This,in turn,may translate to healthier lifestyles,more engagement in education,and a better overall outcome.Moreover,it is worth considering the financial impact on government budgets,as excessive spending on healthcare and education may leave fewer resources available for other pressing needs,such as national security and environmental protection.Hence,striking a balance between government funding and individual contribution to healthcare and education appears to be a reasonable approach.
  In conclusion,it is imperative that the government allocates funds to healthcare and education.In addition to relying only on the government,individuals should also shoulder a piece of the financial burden by contributing a percentage of the cost.
  5 相关词汇和语法结构
  a quality education有质量的教育
  make a living维持生活
  compelling rationale令人信服的理由
  allocate funds to将资金分配给……
  financial burden财政负担




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