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来源:绍兴新航道出国雅思托福培训中心时间:2023/11/27 15:37:05




雅思 口语范文历史事件

相信很多学生一定听老师提及到的一个很难的雅思口语话题就historical event的吧,估计广大考生听到这个话题时,脑子都会蒙掉。下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语范文历史事件的资料,欢迎查阅。

Describe an important event in history in your country.

Ok, I am going to talk about one of the most important events that happened in Chinese history. It's about how the ancient silk road was created. Since it played a vital role in history and nowadays, I'd like to share this event with you.

To the best of my knowledge, from 138-139 BC, a man named Zhang Qian who was an outstanding Western Han diplomat and traveller blazed a trail from China to the west. Actually, he started his journey from Chang'An, the ancient capital of China and ended at the eastern shore of Mediterranean Sea, which linked up fields, deserts, grasslands and mountains from China, to Middle Asia and to Europe. This was the ancient well-known silk road.

And finally, about why the historic event was so important. It's fair to say that it was a road that bridged China and the West. For example, we carried the great Chinese inventions like silk, gunpower, papermaking, and printing to the west and we brought back Western inventions, art works and cultures to China. Plus, the Ancient Silk Road has been named the world cultural heritage by UNESCO. And China is now focusing on developing a modern silk road. Thank you.

雅思口语A Handicraft范文

Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand)

You should say:

What it is?

What it looks like?

How to make it?

And explain what other people thought of it.


When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas. It is paper cut into different shapes and patterns and then pasted on windows as decorations on festive occasions, such as the Spring Festival or a Wedding ceremony. I first learned to make paper- cut in primary school when making paper-cut was part of the extracurricularactivities. The process isn’t very complicated and doesn’t take long. Well, you need a piece of red-coloured paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil. Second, draw a certain pattern or write down some Chinese characters, such as "XI, OR FU "that represent the auspiciousnessin our culture on the folded paper. Then use the scissors to cut the paper according to the pattern.When you open it up.Ta-da, you will find out a very beautiful pattern in the centre is right in front of your eyes. Finally , paste the pattern of “FU or XI” to the front-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are coming. It is a very good practice for creativityand hands-on skills.


1 What is the favorite food in your country? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a broad question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, there are the more traditional dishes like for example, dumplings and rice soup. Secondly, there are the more modern dishes like barbeque and hamburgers. Lastly, I should mention that it depends on the region in China that you are finding yourself in. For example, in the south people do not have the same preferences as in the north.

2 How does one make dumplings? ( 5 - 8 )

Firstly, you have to prepare the dough. This is made by flour and water and then rolled into round pieces Secondly, you have to prepare a stuffing. This can consist of vegetables or various meats that are chopped fine. Small amounts of the stuffing are rapped in the dough. It is placed into boiling water for approximately ten minutes until the stuffing is cooked properly. Dumplings are served with vinegar or some other spicy sauces.

3 What is your favorite dish? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a tough question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. If I had to make a choice, I suppose my favorite dish would be fried fish. My mother has a very special way of frying fish. I like all kinds of fish dishes, but particularly like shark fins. The only problem is that it is very expensive, so I am not able to have it very often.


Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.

You should say:

who he or she is

what this person shows up on TV

how you know this person and explain why you want to meet them.


I would say that I’d like to meet the incredibly famous Chinese pop singer, Jay Chou, whom is often seen in the entertainment channel on TV. He grew up in a single-parent family. When he was a little boy Jay didn’t get good grades at school.

His mother was really concerned about him, but he just looked on the bright side. When he felt down or lonely, he always looked for nice music to cheer him up. I firstly knew him in 2000 when he released his first album “Jay”, in which his soft voice was so unique and this album turned out to be an instant hit. I was really impressed by his voice, talent and versatility in music.

His music is always original, and sometimes blends with different genres, like R&B, hip-hop, and folk music. That’s why I simply adore him and just want to meet him in person. It seemed like he was really into giving his songs some traditional Chinese appeal, like he did in “The Porcelain”.





课程名称 目标分数 适合人群 课程特点
词汇语法班 语音语调、词汇语法、听说读写全面夯实 具有高中生英语水平或大学英语水平较弱的学生 内部讲义,以出国类标化准备的基础词汇入门,辅以适用的语法知识,扫清学习初期迷茫,全面掌握应试所需要的基础语言能力
雅思强化班 针对目标6分学员 高中英语良好或大学英语四级同等水平的学生,词汇量在4000左右,有一定的语音及语法基础。 以胡敏雅思第七代系列教材为基础过渡到雅思真题技巧阶段的培训。
雅思冲刺班 针对目标6-7分学员 高中英语成绩优异或大学6级同等水平学生 紧扣雅思考试,剑桥雅思真题为基础,重点讲解应试方法、强化技巧并过渡到高难度题型培训。
雅思全程班 针对目标6.5-7分学员 高中英语良好或大学英语四级同等水平的学生,词汇量在4000左右,有一定的语音及语法基础。 两段式授课,通过真题题源剖析雅思考试特点,强化雅思基础,精析考试技巧,提高雅思所考察的英语技能和应试技巧。
雅思VIP定制 私人定制 需要私人订制的学员 根据个基础情况,以及个人需求或时间安排,定制相应课程,


课程名称 目标分数 适合人群 课程特点
精听精读班 听力、口语提升 具有高中生英语水平或大学英语水平较弱的学生 为托福听力、口语、综合写作中的听力信息把握及笔记法夯实基础,同时按照学术话题按天文、地理、生物、艺术等进行分类补充语料和背景知识
托福强化班 针对目标90分学员 高中英语良好或大学英语四级同等水平的学生,词汇量在4000左右,有一定的语音及语法基础。 以新航道新托福教程为基础过渡到托福真题技巧阶段的培训。
托福冲刺班 针对目标110分学员 高中英语成绩优异或大学6级同等水平学生 紧扣托福考试,以托福TPO真题为基础,结合真经系列,重点讲解应试方法、强化技巧并过渡到高难度题型培训。
托福全程班 针对目标100-110分学员 高中英语良好或大学英语四级同等水平的学生,词汇量在4000左右,有一定的语音及语法基础。 两段式授课,通过真题题源剖析托福考试特点强化托福基础,使用托福教材及真经系列精析考试技巧,提高托福所考察的英语技能和应试技巧。
托福VIP定制 私人定制 需要私人订制的学员 根据个基础情况,以及个人需求或时间安排,定制相应课程,


班型 目标 适合人群
SAT预备班 针对目标1300+分学员 托福低于85分以下
SAT基础班 针对目标1400分学员 托福85分以上,SAT1300分左右
SAT/ACT强化班 针对目标1450分学员 SAT&ACT强化课程 SAT基础1350分左右
SAT/ACT冲刺班 针对目标1500分学员 SAT/ACT冲刺课程,SAT基础在1400分左右的学员
SAT学霸班 针对目标1500分学员 SAT想要冲1500分1500的学员


课程名称 针对人群(初中生) 适用学员
留学预备一册 skillful测试总分(0-25分) 需要从基础差进行英语学习的学员
留学预备二册 skillful测试总分(25-50分) 计划参加英语考试或者国外语言考试的学员需要先夯实基础进行考试课程学习
留学预备三册 skillful测试总分(51-75分) 计划参加英语考试或者国外语言考试的学员需要先夯实基础进行考试课程学习
留学预备四册 skillful测试总分(76-100分) 通过针对性学习,提升英语听说读写实际运用能力


课程名称 课程内容
备考阅读 针对备考学校进行阅读备考能力强化训练,使用内部讲义
备考写作 针对备考学校进行写作备考能力强化训练,使用内部讲义
备考数学 针对备考学校进行数学备考能力强化训练,使用内部讲义
面试技巧 针对备考学校进行面试技巧备考能力强化训练,使用内部讲义
外教口语 针对面试中高频出现的场景话题进行口语强化训练




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