位置:深圳新航道雅思培训学校(福田会展中心) > 学校动态 > 雅思口语如何考到7分?这些技巧你学会了吗


来源:深圳新航道雅思培训学校(福田会展中心)时间:2022/9/19 17:27:44




  Fluency and coherence

  Band 7:

  1)Speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence

  2)May demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction

  3)Uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility




       所谓顶针结构就是顺接,第二句的出发点就是句的落脚点,可以是谈结果(this way)、举例子(especially, such as)或者展开场景(when you...)这是一种能够有效防止连贯性出问题的方法;

  当然,并不是说不能转折或做对比,但是在每一个小点内注意顶针结构,是非常好的表达习惯,这样即便你只谈到了问题的一个方面,也叫做能够develop topics fully 已经达到8分的标准了。

  What is the most effective way of learning a foreign language?

  The best way to learn a foreign language is to live in the country where the language is spoken. This way, you will get a lot of exposure to the language, especially how it is used in everyday situations, such as ordering food, asking for directions etc. And when you are able to communicate needs in these situations, you'll definitely feel more confident and motivated with language learning and as a result, improve faster.



  What is the most effective way of learning a foreign language?

  The best way to learn a foreign language is to live in the country where the language is spoken. There’re two major reasons: firstly, you’ll get a lot of exposure to the language everyday, which is essential for language acquisition; secondly, when you have to use the language to communicate needs rather than just pass exams, you'll definitely feel more confident and motivated with language learning. Bascially, if you want to learn a foreign language well, you have to use the language as often as possible.



  What comes first at work, being happy or getting more salary?

  For me, happiness is definitely more important.I admit, I’d be lying if I said money doesn’t matter. I do have to make a living and provide for my family. However, if I have to choose between a job I love and a job that pays more, I’ll definitely go with the former, because I believe if you follow your passion, you’ll eventually be able to make good money, someway or another.

  Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  Band 7:

  1)Use a range of complex structures with some flexibility

  2)Frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist

  在语法部分,要拿7分确实是没有什么捷径的。因为评分标准里面明确要求7分的烤鸭能够 frequently produces error free sentences 对准确性提出了较高要求,而6分的要求是 may make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems 只要错误不影响理解就行。(当然为了避免错误回避使用复杂结构则是作死~)


  不提高熟悉度,哪来的准确性??那么,所谓复杂结构主要是哪些呢?较重要其实就是从句,时态里面完成时态因为比较复杂,也是重点关注的,还有被动语态、虚拟条件句 。


  which 从句

       which从句特别适合用于在描述完一个现象以后,插入一句评论:Nowadays many people check their social media first thing in the morning, which is insane.

  who, whose 从句


  I’d like to talk about my aunt Lucy, who is the most stylish woman I know.The main character is a robot named Wall-E, whose job was to clean up the planet after all humans had evacuated to space.

  where 从句


  This is a place where you can just kick back and relax.I’ve always wanted to go to France, where my favorite movie is set.

  what 从句

       what = the thing/things that 切勿与that混淆;

  描述态度、感想时超常用:What impressed me the most was …This is what I like the most about him.


       据说:It's said/believed that ...

  应该:be supposed to ...

  描述物品必备:It's made of ...It's mainly used for ...




  If I had the chance, I’d …I wish I could ...

  描述重要性:I can’t imagine what my life would be without her.If it weren’t for the Internet, we’d never see technology developing so fast.

  反着说:I’d be lying if I said...(对现在的假设)If it hadn’t been for the delay, I would’ve been there three hours ago. (对过去的假设)

  谈论后悔:I should’ve told her the truth.I really regret it. I should've listened to his advice.

  Lexical resource

  Band 7:

  1)Use vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics.

  2)Uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices

  3)Uses paraphrase effectively

  ·Less common vocabulary 非常见词汇


  如果是“beautiful”,那么这个单词就是常见词汇,你就要想办法把它变成非常见词汇,比如 “gorgeous”甚至“stunning”。


  Very good → superb

  Very bad → terrible

  Very cold → freezing

  Very rich → wealthy

  ·idiomatic vocabulary 习惯用语

  我们先看几个短语:“take off, pick up, get along with, take part in, used to, get in touch with”

  大家觉得这些是idiomatic vocabulary吗?答案是:是的。因为它们都符合语言表达习惯,属于习惯用语。




  我们来看看pronunciation features都包括哪些:

  ·Individual sound 单词音准

  每个单词的发音要准确,特别是单词的重音,比如interesting, contribute等;

  ·Sentence stress 句子重音

  一个句子里的content words会被重读,比如:What kind of music do you like? Well, I like pop music! 那么这里的pop就应该被重读。

  ·Weak forms 弱读

  有重读就有弱读,在句子里structure words会被弱读,比如 go to school中的to属于结构性词汇,会被弱读:/tu/ → /t?/。

  ·Connected speech 连读

  我们就学过的“all of us”,在发音的时候由于连读就会被发成 “allofus”。同时一些短语也会由于爆破现象而出现连读,比如bu(s) stop, use(d) to等;

  ·Contracted forms 缩略形式的发音

  在口语中说 “I’m”而不是 “I am”,说 “I’ve been living in Chongqing for 2 years.” 而不是 “I have been living in Chongqing for 2 years.”

  ·Intonation 语音语调








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