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来源:广州新航道雅思托福培训学校(碧桂园校区)时间:2024/4/12 16:27:53

  广州碧桂园暑期雅思考试辅导班哪家好排名更新专业靠谱的雅思培训机构推荐新航道雅思,为学生提供雅思、托福、留学预备、出国留学、锦秋A-level、加拿大OSSD、AP、SAT/ACT等国际课程,考研、四六级……你想要的课程,这里都有哦~ 新航道暑假班推出多种班型,线下班课/1V1个性化定制课/线上网课/校内班/全封闭集训等多种班型满足不同需求,新学期新福利,助力莘莘学子燃动新学期!

  Certain new findings in science often force us to re-examine some earlier beliefs and
  assumptions and a recent study of altruistic acts among animals is having exactly this effect.
  Believe it or not,optical illusion can cut highway crashes substantially.In this respect,Japan
  is a case in point.It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75%using this
  simple optical illusion.
  Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all traffic accidents.To help
  reduce accidents,Japanese Highway Authorities has conducted several tests in areas where
  speed-related hazards had been the greatest.
  Despite the good news,civil engineers aren’t resting on their successes.Pinned to their
  drawing boards are blueprints for improved quake-resistant buildings.
  Very few goods sell themselves and most need to be promoted in some way.
  In making the sale,sales personnel must gear their presentation so that it takes the potential
  buyer through four phases.
  The selling begins when the salesperson tries to attract the buyer’s notice.A casual‘Hello,
  can I help you?’is often a good opening of initial conversation with the buyer.
  Next,an effective salesman will then try to get customers to tell a little about what they are
  looking for and what services they want out of the product.
  As the customer talks,the seller has an opportunity to determine what is available and how it
  can satisfy the buyer’s needs.
  The seller can also screen out those who are only“looking”from those who seem really
  attracted.After all,there is no point in going through an entire sales presentation for people
  who are obviously not interested.
  Next,the salesperson can go on to illustrate how a product can be of value,thus well worth
  trying out.At this point,it is often helpful to demonstrate the item.
  The final step is to get the buyer to purchase the goods.Many sellers fail to close the sale
  because they never ask for the order.In fact,there are many techniques that can help close
  the sale.
  The first point recognizes that human beings are not computers.People have strong emotions,
  often see things very differently,and do not always communicate clearly.
  The third point acknowledges the problem of having to find a perfect solution while you’re
  under pressure.
  Do animals really have thoughts,what we call consciousness?If animals can think,they will
  probably do their best thinking when it serves their purposes.
  It cannot be denied that//There is no denying that even if animals can think,they cannot be
  compared with human beings in terms of the depth and complicatedness of the thoughts.
  Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if
  countries play games together,they will learn to live together.
  Others say that the opposite is true:that international contests encourage false national pride
  and lead to misunderstanding and hatred.
  There is probably some truth in both arguments,but in recent years,the Olympic Games have
  done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood.
  People’s views on the size of a class vary.While some people hold that a small class is better for learning,there are others who argue that a big one prevails.On a personal note,I am convinced that each size of classes has its merits and demerits.
  Also,with fewer students,the teacher would find it much easier to manipulate the class,that
  is,to have the whole class under complete control.If there are too many students,the teacher
  would be at a loss as to what to do in that controlling the situation itself would be challenging
  Besides,in a small class,the students could have more interactive activities with the teacher
  and the teacher can give each student whatever instructions or help that he or she needs.
  In fact,as researches show,a small class is more likely to give rise to tiredness and boredom,
  which hinders learning.
  However,this is not the case for a big class.A big class presents higher pressure on the
  teacher,thus compelling him or her to be more energetic and more humorous so as to create a
  more lively learning atmosphere and,therefore,having the students’attention.Who will
  benefit from all these?The students!Of course!
  Moreover,in a big class,the students could get to know more people,thereby making more
  friends as they have more choices.



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