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来源:佛山新航道雅思托福培训学校时间:2022/10/19 11:47:32

  雅思口语Part 2难点新题《塑料废品》高频到你必须要认真准备?有没有发现较近我的推送疯狂都是以事件类话题为主。原因其实很简单:





雅思口语Part 2难点新题《塑料废品》高频到你必须要认真准备?

  Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (eg. in a park, on the beach etc.)

  You should say:

  • When and where you saw the plastic waste

  • Why there was a lot of plastic waste

  • What you did after you saw it

  • And what your thoughts were about this











  Example one:野餐完满是垃圾的公园

  Example two: 被游客乱扔垃圾的海滩

  Example three: 晚刚开过演唱会的体育馆


  When and where you saw the plastic waste


  - When 对应的是具体时间点拆分


  按以往讲解的那样,我们只需要选择2-3个时间点信息进行拓展即可,但必须从大往小进行阐述,比如:Year-Hour; Month-Date-Hour等。




  - Where 对应公共场所类角度的拓展


  1. Location 地理位置



  2. Popularity 受欢迎程度





  Example one:

  Well, it took place about a month ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. I had just woken up from a cat nap when my friend called me and asked me to go for a walk in a nearby park. As I had nothing to do, I jumped at the chance 抓住机会 and set off 出发 immediately. The park is actually just down the road from my house 我家边上 and takes about 5 mins to get there on foot. Even though it is close to my home, I rarely go there as it is always packed out 拥挤, especially during the weekend.

  Example two:

  Well, it took place about a year ago. I remember it was at the beginning of the summer holiday. My parents had arranged a family trip to an island. I was so thrilled 兴奋的 about the trip and even created a detailed itinerary 行程表. One stop was a beach next to our hotel. When we arrived, we rushed there immediately, as many people had posted about how incredible it was.

  Example three:

  Well, it took place about a couple of weeks ago. I clearly remember it was a normal Sunday morning. After having a small breakfast, I hung out with my friends and we went to the stadium to do some track practice 田径训练. The stadium is the largest one in my city and has the best facilities. Because of this, it is popular among local residents. It is also huge so it is often used to hold concerts and competitions.


  Why there was a lot of plastic waste

  垃圾都是由人产生的。我们只需要找到每一个不同的地方,产生垃圾的对象即可,并进一步给出原因为什么会乱扔垃圾。当然,不外乎一个理由--"Lazy 懒惰"。





  Example one:


  From what I remembered, the park had beautiful picturesque 风景如画的 views. However, that day when I arrived, I was completely shocked at how dirty it was. It seemed like it had been taken over 被接管 by plastic. There were plastic bags and bottles all over the place 到处都是. I had no idea what had happened. My friend said the waste was probably left by people who had had picnics there. They brought food and drinks but couldn't be bothered to 劳烦做某事 clean up 清理 after themselves.

  Example two:


  However, I was surprised to see a lot of rubbish on the beach and floating in the ocean. I didn’t know what had happened. Then a local resident passing by told us it was caused by tourists. Admittedly, there weren’t many rubbish bins 垃圾桶 around to put your litter in but people need to be more responsible and take it away with them rather than leave it.

  Example three:


  As I go there every week without fail 必定, I know that usually, it is a very clean stadium. However, the day we arrived, we were shocked to see rubbish everywhere. When I asked the staff what had happened, they told me that there had been a big concert the night before. Thousands of people came to the event. Even though they were not supposed to bring in food and drink, they did it anyway and then left all their rubbish behind. The cleaners had their work cut out for them 有大量工作要做 that day.


  What you did after you saw it


  Step one:确定答题方向








  Step two: 答题框架 (按主次/时间线拆分)



  Step three: 细节拓展(5w1h)

  5W1H包括:when/where/who/why/what/ how/ how much/ how long/ how often

  比如:who(跟谁一起干)/what (比如,在捡垃圾过程中干了什么-垃圾分类/找垃圾桶等)How long (干了多久)/ how much (是否有为此花钱,或者是否有从中赚钱,比如:把捡到的瓶子卖掉)


  我原本想一走了之+why (这不是我的职责);后来我朋友建议捡垃圾+how long (垃圾太多,捡了至少3小时)+whom (刚开始只有我们,后来一些来朋友的小朋友也加入了我们)+what (把捡到的垃圾进行分类/并把塑料瓶卖了,又把钱捐给了环保组织)+how (成就感)

  Example one:


  I was furious 生气的 so I took pictures and posted them online to show people what was happening. I think it is important that people know that it is everyone's job to protect these spaces. Then my friend suggested that we help clean it up. Even though I was reluctant 不情愿的 at first, I did it anyway. It took us about 2 hours and the place looked clean again. I also recycled 回收 all the plastic bottles and waste.

  Example two:


  To be honest, even though I was very sad and angry about people’s behaviour, I didn’t know how to make the situation better. But later on, I decided that I was going to go back and do a beach clean-up 海滩清理as that way I could set a good example to the younger generation. I talked my family into 说服家人 helping me too and we set about 开始做/着手 cleaning up. It was a very tough task. The nearest rubbish bin was 1000 meters away from the beach. I went back and forth 来来回回 at least 10 times. Even though I was completely worn out 疲倦的, I had a great sense of achievement.

  Example three:


  Actually, I did nothing to help, as I think it was the cleaners’ job to clean up. We just cleared the bottles away so we could train. But when I went home, I posted some pictures on my blog with my personal thoughts. I don't know how many people saw it, but I just wanted to tell them that we shouldn’t throw rubbish as someone else will have to pick it up. Like those cleaners, they spent the whole day cleaning the stadium.


  what your thoughts were about this









  Actually, it was unforgettable experience. When I saw so much waste there, I think our government should take more action to avoid it. I think regulations and laws are necessary and people should be given hefty fines 巨额罚款 for dropping litter. I also believe education is key 教育是根本. Schools need to be teaching the importance of looking after our environment.



  •When and where you saw the plastic waste

  Well, it took place about a year ago. I remember it was at the beginning of the summer holiday. My parents had arranged a family trip to an island. I was so thrilled about the trip and even created a detailed itinerary. One stop was a beach next to our hotel. When we arrived, we rushed there immediately, as many people had posted about how incredible it was.

  •Why there were a lot of plastic waste

  However, I was surprised to see a lot of rubbish on the beach and floating in the ocean. I didn’t know what had happened. Then a local resident passing by told us it was caused by tourists. Admittedly, there weren’t many rubbish bins around to put your litter in but people need to be more responsible and take it away with them rather than leave it.

  •What you did after you saw it

  To be honest, even though I was very sad and angry about people’s behaviour, I didn’t know how to make the situation better. But later on, I decided that I was going to go back and do a beach clean-up as that way I could set a good example to the younger generation. I talked my family into helping me too and we set about cleaning up. It was a very tough task. The nearest rubbish bin was 1000 meters away from the beach. I went back and forth at least 10 times. Even though I was completely worn out, I had a great sense of achievement.

  •What your thoughts were about this

  Actually it was a very unforgettable experience. When I saw so much waste there, I think our government should take more action to avoid it. I think regulations and laws are necessary and people should be given hefty fines for dropping litter. I also believe education is key. Schools need to be teaching the importance of looking after our environment.


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