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来源:秦皇岛新东方在线雅思培训时间:2021/12/2 15:20:25

大家在备考雅思口语的时候,有一类表达是一定要积累的,那就是"topic-related words",即话题相关词汇!不管是什么话题,当你们在脑海中构思答案的时候,一定要涉及这类表达,才能让考官感受到你们贴题的努力!来本文和新东方在线雅思一起来看看40组雅思口语高频话题词汇吧。

Travel & History

■ all-inclusive 全包的

例句:I think hotels and restaurants with all-inclusive service are the most comfortable.

■ half-board 半包食宿

例句:I liked my half-board service in Brazil.

■ self-catering 自炊式

例句:I think that self-catering travel is a great way of travel because we can learn more things.

■ breathtaking view 令人惊叹的美景

例句:I have seen breathtaking views during my travel to Hainan.

■ far-off destination 遥远的目的地

例句:Brazil is a far-off destination, which I want to visit during my winter holidays.

■ guided tour 有导游的游览

例句:The guided tours are the best tours to learn about historical and monumental places.


■ enjoy each other's company 享受另外一个人的陪伴

例句:My best friend and I enjoy each other's company.

■ fair-weather friend 狐朋狗友

例句:In this world, we can barely find friends who are not only fair-weather friends.

■ to fall out with 闹翻

例句:He left the part after falling out with his friends.

■ shoulder to cry on 可以靠在上面哭泣的肩膀

例句:I am so blessed to have a friend because it's good to have a shoulder to cry on.

■ to be well-matched 相配

例句:My best friend and I are well matched together.

■ to break up 分裂

例句:My friends, Sita and Gita broke up their friendship because they met new friends.

■ to drift apart 渐行渐远

例句:As time goes on, classmates drift apart.

■ to get on like a house on fire 如火如荼

例句:I like my new classmate and it's like getting a house on fire because our likes and dislikes are the same.

■ to get on well with somebody 与某人相处融洽

例句:I am an extroverted person and so I get on well with new people easily.

■ to get to know someone 结识某人

例句:I thought that James was a negative person, but when I got to know him, I understood his true character.


■ computer age 计算机时代

例句:We all are living in the computer age and it has its own merits and demerits.

■ light-years ahead 遥遥持平

例句:The computers which are used today are light years ahead of the 90s.

■ social media 社交媒体

例句:Weibo and Wechat are the big social media giants.

■ novelty 新奇事物

例句:Then the Internet was still something of a novelty.

■ information explosion 信息爆炸

例句:There are many reasons for the information explosion. The most obvious one is technology.

■ digital editing 数字编辑

例句:Due to the popularity of Tiktok, more and more people do the digital editing of videos very well.

■ in common use 通用的

例句:In the digital age, cell phone is the most popular product in common use.


■ humanities 人文

例句:The college offers a wide range of courses in the arts and humanities.

■ bachelor' s degree 学士学位

例句:He received a bachelor's degree in sociology.

■ distance learning (e-learning) 远距离学习

例句:This programme may also be achieved through distance learning.

■ bookworm 书虫

例句:I was a real bookworm when I was a child.

■ face-to-face classes 面授课程

例句:Programmes can combine face-to-face classes, distance learning and action learning.

■ intensive course 强化课程

例句:They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week.

■ master' s degree 硕士学位

例句:It seems to me that working experience is more important than a master's degree these days.

■ tuition fees 学费

例句:Universities will have their incomes boosted by a rise in tuition fees.


■ biodiversity 生物多样性

例句:The pollution can pose a threat to biodiversity by altering ecosystems.

■ endangered species 濒危物种

例句:This kind of birds are classed as an endangered species.

■ environmentally friendly 环境友好的

例句:Aquaculture(水产养殖业) is often accused of being unsustainable and not environmentally friendly.

■ exhaust fumes 尾气

例句:Exhaust fumes from vehicles cause a great deal of damage to the environment.

■ greenhouse effect 温室效应

例句:Neither can we guarantee that everywhere on Earth will be warmer as the greenhouse effect progresses.

■ natural disaster 自然灾害

例句:Emergency treatment of drinking water may be necessary following natural disasters.

■ to get back to nature 回归大自然

例句:It's always nice to get back to nature.



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