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来源:昆明新航道出国雅思托福培训机构时间:2022/10/19 12:03:49

  雅思口语Part 2新题《激励你做有趣事情的人》一夜之间位居第二,你不得不重视!之前昆明雅思培训班小编有说过这一季度人物类话题有比之前难度稍大一点。究其原因也是因为定语部分会来的相对复杂一点。除了之前已经分析过的《侍花弄果之人》以外,另一篇让大家觉得头痛则是《激励你做有趣事情的人》。

  Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

  You should say:

  • Who the person is

  • What you did

  • How the person inspired you

  • And why you felt inspired



  ,无法界定何为"something interesting"


  从"生活"来看,你可以被激励去做的有趣的事情可能是"衣食住行娱乐"中的某一块。比如:环游世界/学习做饭/尝试极限运动/学滑板/自己做衣服/自己尝试装修/ 自驾旅行等。

  从"工作学习"来看,你可以被激励去做的事情可以有,"出国留学/自主创业/参加某比赛/GAP一年/换专业/创办社团/课外做/ 摆摊/举办学院活动等"









  Example one: 积极乐观的独居老人鼓励我摆摊做生意

  Example two: 爱挑战的妹妹鼓励我参加国际商赛

  Example three:喜欢激励人的朋友鼓励我出国留学


  Who the person is





  Example one:

  A person that comes to mind is my neighbor, Jessy. Her husband and children have sadly all passed away over the years. Even though it has been heartbreaking for her, she has managed to keep a positive outlook on life. She is known in the neighborhood for her optimism and encouragement. Everyone enjoys chatting with her, including me. Every time I talk to her, she inspires me.


  Example two:

  A person that comes to mind is my cousin, Lin. She is four years younger than me, but she is very mature and independent for her age. She enjoys taking risks and always steps out of her comfort zone. Because of this, her life is more thrilling than mine.

  除了以上这一条拓展线之外,【How you know (about)】也将是本季人物类话题小问非常值得思考的细节拓展方向。

  只要我们没有在4个小问题里看到它明确的问你【How you know (about) the person】,我就可以把它作为一个维度放在小问拓展。


  step one: 你次是怎么知道这个人的 (某个时间点?在某个地点?通过某个人?)

  step two: 你对他的初次印象(初步接触中了解到了哪些信息:性格?爱好?外貌?工作等?)以及这个初步印象是否有让你对这个人产生兴趣或者好感。

  step three:你如何进一步去了解这个人(成为了网友?还是现实生活中经常会交流)以及你们目前是什么关系(朋友?友好相处关系?粉丝?)

  如若你想直接切题,step two部分可以她喜欢激励人这个特性。

  Example three:

  A person that comes to mind is my friend, Jane who I have known for over 5 years. The first time I met her was on the first day of university. At that time, she calmed me down before I had to do my self-introduction in front of the whole class. I was really touched by her kind gesture 善意的举止. That day we talked a lot and found out that we had a lot in common 有很多共同点. Ever since then, we have been the best of friends and she inspires me all the time.


  What you did



  "5W1H":when/where/who/why/what/how/how much/ how often/ how long

  Example one:


  I remember the last time I was inspired by her was about a month ago. I was planning to run a food stall 美食摊 in a nearby market. A friend had given me the idea to sell some local snacks to earn money and also gain experience. I thought it was an interesting idea, however, I didn’t have the guts 有勇气 to try, as I wasn’t confident that I could pull it off 成功实现.

  Example two:

  此处主要拓展方向:Who(谁组织的)+why (为什么要组织该比赛/为什么我要参加该比赛)

  About a month ago my cousin inspired me to take part in an international business competition. It is a very prestigious 有声望的 competition organized by Wharton School 沃顿商学院. They aim to find talented businessmen and women and provide them with professional training. Considering I am studying business, she thought it was a golden opportunity for me.

  Example three:

  此处主要拓展方向:what (具体的事情)+why (为什么需要朋友激励的原因)

  About a year ago, I was feeling confused about my future. I had been given an amazing opportunity to study abroad but had no idea where to go. Considering that the farthest place I had been to was shanghai, I felt panicked and couldn't imagine living in another country alone.


  How the person inspired you








  Example one:

  语言+实际行动 (答应帮忙解决各种问题)

  When I told her about it, she thought it was an interesting idea and worth trying. What’s more, she told me that people normally feel anxious when they are faced with something new and learning how to step out of my comfort zone is a positive thing. She assured me that no matter what kind of problems I encountered, I could ask her for help.

  Example two:


  To be honest, I didn’t think I was competent enough to sign up for the competition and I wasn’t feeling very confident being among so many talented people. But she inspired me and told me that I shouldn’t take it too seriously. She said that taking part in the competition was a good way for me to improve my professional skills and that I could gain a lot during the process. She told me thanks to the competitions she had taken part in, she was more motivated to learn.

  Example three:

  语言+实际行动 (研究留学+学校)

  When I shared my thoughts with Jane, she encouraged me to seize 抓住 the opportunity and never hesitate if I am given an opportunity to better myself. What’s more, she spent the whole week doing research for me about the different countries and universities. I was so grateful to her.


  Why you felt inspired


  Example one:


  Her words motivated me a lot. To be honest, at first, I thought running a business would be no walk in the park 很难 and there were so many obstacles, especially at the very beginning such as how to attract customers and how to maintain high quality. But she told me not to worry as all of these issues would get resolved once I was up and running 正常运作. Thanks to her, I decided to go for it and set up a small food stall with my friend. As we had some creative ideas to promote our food, it soon took off and attracted loads of young people.

  Example two:


  I felt so inspired by her and thought what she had said made sense. In the past, I seldom took part in competitions, as I was afraid of failure. But actually, I learnt that we should enjoy the process rather than the end result. Only in this way, we can understand our strengths and shortcomings.

  Example three:


  I felt so inspired by her. Through her detailed analysis, I learnt the strengths and drawbacks of studying abroad and saw that there were more advantages than disadvantages. She also told me that according to her research, overseas students were normally much more competent than students who had studied domestically, as they were more independent, liberal and bold. Finally, I made a decision to study in the UK.



  •Who the person is

  A person that comes to mind is my neighbor, Jessy. Her husband and children have sadly all passed away over the years. Even though it has been heartbreaking for her, she has managed to keep a positive outlook on life. She is known in the neighborhood for her optimism and encouragement. Everyone enjoys chatting with her, including me. Every time I talk to her, she inspires me.

  •What you did

  I remember the last time I was inspired by her was about a month ago. I was planning to run a food stall in a nearby market. A friend had given me the idea to sell some local snacks to earn money and also gain experience. I thought it was an interesting idea, however, I didn’t have the guts to try, as I wasn’t confident that I could pull it off.

  •How the person inspired you

  When I told her about it, she thought it was an interesting idea and worth trying. What’s more, she told me that people normally feel anxious when they are faced with something new and learning how to step out of my comfort zone is a positive thing. She assured me that no matter what kind of problems I encountered, I could ask her for help.

  •Why you felt inspired

  Her words motivated me a lot. To be honest, at first, I thought running a business would be no walk in the park and there were so many obstacles, especially at the very beginning such as how to attract customers and how to maintain high quality. But she told me not to worry as all of these issues would get resolved once I was up and running. Thanks to her, I decided to go for it and set up a small food stall with my friend. As we had some creative ideas to promote our food, it soon took off and attracted loads of young people.


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