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来源:长沙新航道出国雅思学校时间:2022/3/16 11:52:29

  gre写作考试的大多数gre考试题目都是让考生处理一个矛盾,比如“原题People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are also the most critical of it.”而在讲课的时候,我也经常陷入一种矛盾:如果Issue写作就好比在半个小时内让考生做一道菜,考官品尝几口后匆匆打分,我的教学应该侧重于教学生做麦当劳这样管饱又香的快餐,还是去教他们把控火候精挑食材做一道米其林?大部分情况我会选择前者,毕竟教师的首要职责是帮助学生通过考试,所以在确保学生掌握了批判性思维的展现和写作要求的吻合等等这些硬性规矩之后,我会灌输一些很适合实战的“简单粗暴”的gre写作思维技巧,比如:
  比如“原题Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.”在写同意这个题干的原因时,不仅要写“The form of scandals might be versatile,but its dramatic nature would stay,so it will always strongly echo with people’s nature of craving for the unexpected.也要连带着:As for those speakers or reformers,their stereotype of following the routines might be too ingrained to get rid of,so people would expect sensation coming from their dirty secrets exposed by raw scandals,rather than their official tone.2.主动被动类考题,可以根据主动被动关系来取反。
  “原题Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.”大部分同学会这样取反:Leaders are self-made because no matter how imperative the obligation is,they could be easily replaced by many competitors unless they have proved their competency.可是再来一个正方怎么找切入点呢?可以讨论leader和demands之间的主动被动:Also,I believe it is leaders who create demands,not vice versa,the reason is that most people have to cater to their duty allocated by society,so without a vision on the big picture,they could easily get satisfied with their status quo and hardly imagine what they will need in the long run.
  但是缺点也很明显,即文章写得很“安全”,很难打造出一种气场。就像有些姑娘找对象的标准就是“看感觉”,就像音乐电影“和你在一起”里,陈凯歌批评林雨的一个音符都没错的演奏“都对,就是不好”。既然在“教父”里马龙.白兰度能打造“Offer You Can't Refuse”的气场,我们能不能在写作中打造一种让读者无法拒绝陷入其中的气场,这就完全靠个人的写作软实力,也是我希望大家在疫情期间,大段时间在家里独处的时候,能够有所修炼的地方。
  首先,摘一段New Yorker首席作家Malcolm Gladwell的“Whistle Blower”激励一下大家:
  In short,the relationship between the government and the press—between the source of leaks and the beneficiary of leaks—is symbiotic.Governments may make a fuss about how much leaks are harming them.But they need leaks as much as the press does.The legitimacy of government requires sunshine,and the practice of governance sometimes requires darkness—and,in the face of that contradiction,leaks are a kind of informal workaround.



  写作的本质其实很多是关于“权衡”,即tradeoff,而没有矛盾,就没有权衡,所以我们要学习大师们是怎么来权衡矛盾的,比如刘慈欣的短评小说“镜子”:假设一个超弦计算机可以把宇宙中的一切因果链尽收眼底,即人们的一切都被照在了这个计算机的镜子中,再也没有藏匿罪恶的空间,为什么如此的发明却导致了文明的灭绝?比如“The Use fulness of Useless Knowledge”By Abraham Flexner,这篇经典的散文讨论的是无用之有用,他虽然歌颂了大量实用科学的突破来自于不求任何功利的好奇心,但是他有没有考虑过像刘韩清这样一生在农村里狂热追求哥德巴赫猜想却一无所获的数学家?2.寻找批判学术大师基本都是批判大师,比如凝聚态物理之父P.W.Anderson的经典散文“More is different”,基本上就是单挑当时几乎盛行整个物理圈的“Reductionism”,而他的批判可谓千回百转,因为必须要时时肯定反方可以被借鉴的地方,才能让反方心服口服地接受自己的异见,而他的开头也是极为理性,谦和:“Before beginning this,I wish to sort out two possible sources of misunderstanding.”而哪怕是大师,偶尔也会站着说话不腰疼,比如量子力学之父Max Planck说“Science progresses at one funeral a time”,意在强调必须要把旧的理论送入坟墓才能创立新的理论,但是,当Einstein本人在一意孤行地研究相对论时,Planck似乎换了个腔调“As a dear friend of you,I suggest that you give up,because first you won’t succeed,and even if you succeed,no one will believe you.”所以对于一个大师,我们要在不同的source里观察他们的言行。
  1.制造复杂这一定是建立在大量阅读基础之上,我们可以对作者提出一些复杂的原创性问题。很多学人工智能的学生困惑于怎么尽快创新,吴恩达给的建议就是“Read all the important papers about A.I,then you brain will automatically take care of it and generate new ideas.”比如关于关于人工智能的文章读多了,哪怕是两篇,比如Deepmind创始人Demis Hassabis的“Mind in the machine”和Ted Chiang的“Catching the crumbs from tables”,就很有可能通过对比两者之间的互补和疏漏,来得到复杂的原创性观点,比如Demis强调的是人工智能将科研发现也给自动化了,Ted是预想了人类未来通过不断山寨人工智能的科研成果来苟延残喘,首先我们可以主动组织一下两者之间针锋相对的辩论,然后,我们可不可以问问二位大师,人工智能会不会把社会变成了一个巨大的操作系统,就像活字印刷把每一个字从雕版印刷解放了出来,人工智能会不会把个体从集体的契约中独立出来从而较大化地提升生产效率?2.简化复杂语言方面,比如想表达“让局势变得更复杂的是病毒的变异。”
  表达1:The mutation of Virus complicates the situation.好像显得一刀切的感觉,无法起到一个转折的作用。表达2:“what makes the situation more complex is the mutation of virus.”又太啰嗦,所以可以简化成表达3:“Compounding the situation is the mutation of virus.”思想方面,可以训练自己用较简单的语言总结一篇复杂的文章,比如John Lanchester的“Money Talks”,里面讲了古埃及牧师怎么靠跳大神儿来欺骗农民,又讲了华尔街怎么用高深的数学把垃圾金融产品包装的漂漂亮亮,又错综复杂地讲道,“The language of money is a powerful tool,and it is also a tool of power.Incomprehension is a form of consent.If we allow ourselves not to understand this language,we are signing off on the way the world works today—in particular,we are signing off on the prospect of an ever-widening gap between the rich and everyone else,a world in which everything about your life is determined by the accident of who your parents are.”但我们可以提炼它的精粹,即刻意的信息不对称是监守自盗的保护伞:The deliberate asymmetry of information serves as the umbrella of those deceiving insiders who only believe in one principle:greed.

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