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来源:长沙英孚英语培训中心时间:2020/1/18 10:22:39


The swindlers stayed up the entire night before the procession was to take place, burning more than sixteen candles. Everyone could see that they were in a great rush to finish the emperor’s new clothes. They pretended to take the material from the looms. They cut in the air with large scissors. They sewed with needles but without any thread. Finally they announced, “Behold! The clothes are finished!”

两个骗子在游行的前夜,继续通宵工作,用光了不止16根蜡烛。每个人都可以看到他们在冲刺着 (in a great rush) 完成皇帝的新衣。他们假装从织布机上拿下衣服,用大剪刀在空气中裁剪,用针线缝制。终,他们宣布:“看吧,这件衣服制作好了。”

The emperor came to them with his most distinguished cavaliers. The two swindlers raised their arms as though they were holding something and said, “Just look at these trousers! Here is the jacket! This is the cloak!” and so forth. “They are as light as spider webs! You might think that you didn’t have a thing on, but that is the good thing about them.”


“Yes,” said the cavaliers, but they couldn’t see a thing, for nothing was there.


“Would his imperial majesty, if it please his grace, kindly remove his clothes.” said the swindlers. “Then we will fit you with the new ones, here in front of the large mirror.”


The emperor took off all his clothes, and the swindlers pretended to dress him, piece by piece, with the new ones that were to be fitted. They took hold of his waist and pretended to tie something about him. Then the emperor turned and looked into the mirror.


“Goodness, they suit you well! What a wonderful fit!” they all said. “What a pattern! What colors!”



“The canopy to be carried above your majesty awaits outside,” said the grandmaster of ceremonies.


“Yes, I am ready!” said the emperor. “Don’t they fit well?” He turned once again toward the mirror, because it had to appear as though he were admiring himself in all his glory.


The emperor walked beneath the beautiful canopy in the procession, and all the people in the street and in their windows said, “Goodness, the emperor’s new clothes are incomparable! What a perfect fit!” No one wanted it to be noticed that he could see nothing, for then it would be said that he was unfit for his position or that he was stupid. None of the emperor’s clothes had ever before received such praise.


“But he doesn’t have anything on!” said a small child.


“Good Lord, let us hear the voice of an innocent child!” said the father, and whispered to another what the child had said.


“A small child said that he doesn’t have anything on!”


Finally everyone was saying, “He doesn’t have anything on!”



The emperor shuddered, for he knew that they were right, but he thought, “The procession must go on!” He carried himself even more proudly, and the chamberlainswalked along behind carrying the clothes that wasn’t there.



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