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来源:合肥新通雅思培训学校时间:2020/4/27 17:42:22

  托福阅读中的精读示范,在托福阅读的学习中,除了做题之外,更多的是把文章读透,里面的词,短语,包括句间关系,段落分层,都要非常的清晰,合肥新通留学机构这样一篇文章才算真正的吃透。这就是我们所谓的精读intensive Reading。这样做的好处是我们的基本功才会非常扎实。今天我们就其中的一段来说明一下。
  The Origins of Theater
  In seeking to describe the origins of theater,one must rely primarily on speculation,since there is little concrete evidence on which to draw.The most widely accepted theory,championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.The process perceived by these anthropologists may be summarized briefly.During the early stages of its development,a society becomes aware of forces that appear to influence or control its food supply and well-being.Having little understanding of natural causes,it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces,and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.Perceiving an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires,the group repeats,refines and formalizes those actions into fixed ceremonies,or rituals.
  精读:Seek寻找,寻求,一般在阅读中的同义替换有search,look for,forage,scout这些都是必备的词汇。Speculate猜想,猜测通常跟我们的assume同替,这里的主语应该是one指代一个人。这样的用法我们经常见到,比如用many some代替People。concrete具体的,specific detailed等。在后面都不同程度的使用了非谓语做后置定语的用法比如perceived by these anthropologists做了the process的修饰。
  Having little understanding of natural causes,it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces,and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.在这个句子中,having是现在分词做原因状语,大家面临这样的动词ing开头,但是又没做主语的情况下,建议在理解时候一定要结合语境。Perceiving...后面这句话同样用了做状语的用法。
  Stories(myths)may then grow up around a ritual.Frequently the myths include representatives of those supernatural forces that the rites celebrate or hope to influence.Performers may wear costumes and masks to represent the mythical characters or supernatural forces in the rituals or in accompanying celebrations.As a person becomes more sophisticated,its conceptions of supernatural forces and causal relationships may change.As a result,it may abandon or modify some rites.But the myths that have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group’s oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites.When this occurs,the first step has been taken toward theater as an autonomous activity,and thereafter entertainment and aesthetic values may gradually replace the former mystical and socially efficacious concerns.

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