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来源:昆山美联英语培训机构时间:2021/6/22 16:31:07


  1) It can be proved thatthe animals suffer a lot during the experiments.

  2) It remains uncertain whether changes in pupil size are associated with changes in attitude.

  3) It is not clear when printed books will finally be replaced by electronic books.

  4) It has always been a mystery to me why some people so strongly believe that country life is somehow superiorto city life.


  1) It is often hard to determine whethera product is really as good as its advertisement claims to be.

  It is often complicated to attempt to determine who is right in adispute.

  We can always find in newspaper and magazines numerous contradictoryarticles proclaiming

  the advantages and disadvantages of the same thing, sometimes wejust can’t help wondering what we should do, or which we should trust, orwhom we could ask for advice.

  It is hard to tell when printed books will finally be replaced byelectronic books, but it is an inevitable trend of history.

  I simply can not understand why some people so strongly believethat country life is somehow superior to city life.


  1) Whatscientists want to know is whether enlarged pupils can affect the responseof the person who observed them.

  The fact is that printed books have become out of date/out-dated,but that different people have different choice.

  3)One thing we are not sure about is what this trend ofurbanization may bring about.

  One question that keeps puzzling me is why some people sostrongly believe that country life is somehow superior to city life.

  One thing which is hard to predict is when electronic books willfinally take the place of paper books.

  (4) 同位语从句(常用的标志词:idea, fact, rumor, news, hope, belief, argument, thought, doubt,illusion, dream, order, decision etc)

  1) Scientistshave no idea whether enlarged pupils can affect the response of theperson who observed them.

  2) I simplyhave no idea why some people so strongly believe that life abroad issomehow superior to life at home.

  3) Like ascientist bent on making a discovery, he must cherish the hope/dream thatone day he will be amply rewarded.

  4) The questionwhen electronic mail will finally take place of written letters is hardto answer.


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