

  21.encourage vt.鼓励;激励→v.促进,助长,刺激

  Good health encourages(促进)clear thinking.


  22.escape v.逃跑;逃脱→v.被忘掉;被忽视

  The name escapes(被忘掉)me for the moment.

  23.explode v.爆炸;爆裂→v.勃然大怒;大发雷霆

  I'm about to explode(勃然大怒)!He broke his promise again.

  24.exploit v.开发;开采;剥削→v.利用

  You must exploit(利用)every opportunity to learn English.

  25.fail vi.失败→vi.(健康)衰退,变弱

  William found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to fail(变弱).

  26.foreign adj.外国的;外交的→adj.不熟悉的

  The subject is foreign(不熟悉的)to all of us.

  27.freeze vi.结冰,(使)冻结→v.惊呆,吓呆

  Grandfather froze(吓呆) in fear. Was he going to lose his job?

  28.fresh adj.新鲜的→adj.无经验的

  She is quite fresh(无经验的)to the work.

  29.ground n.地面→n.理由

  He has strong grounds(理由)for more money.

  30.govern v.管理;控制→vt.影响;支配

  The law of supply and demand governs(影响)the prices of goods.

  31.help vt.帮助→vi.避免,防止,起作用

  Try not to cough more than you can help(避免,防止)since it may cause problems to your lungs.

  32.hit v.击中,打击→n.成功;红极一时的人或事

  Tuhao is quite a hit(风行一时的事物)of this year.

  33.ill adj.生病的→adj./adv.坏的/地

  It's no good speaking ill(坏地)of others.

  She had brought ill (坏的)luck into her family.

  34.interest n.兴趣→n.利益;股份

  Our family has interests(利益) in the business.

  35.inspire v.激励;鼓舞→v.启发

  His best music was inspired(启发) by the memory of his mother.

  36.jump v.& n.跳→n.& v.大幅度上涨

  Last week the price of goods jumped(大幅度上涨).

  37.kill v.杀死,弄死→v.消磨或打发(时间)

  How does the man kill(打发时间)time?

  38.last adj.较后的→adj.较不可能的

  He is the last(较不可能的)man I want to see.

  39.match n.火柴,旗鼓相当的人→vt.般配,与…匹配

  She matched(匹配)the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.

  40.mean v.打算;意味着→adj.小气的,吝啬的 means n.方式,方法

  He is too mean(吝啬的)to make a donation.

  In many places in China, the bicycle is still a popular means(方式)of transportation.

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