


Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn.

Part 3

1. What skills do young people need to master?

Young people need to master a whole range of skills, from soft skills, to hard skills, to prepare them for the world of work.When it comes to hard skills,I'd say computer skills are important, and organizational skills and using organizational tools. When it comes to soft skills,ld say that diplomacy,collaborating and working with others,and tolerance and patience are important.

2. Is it hard for young people to learn skills? What about old people?

l don't think it is that hard for young people to develop new skills, especially if they are taught in the right way, in a way which engages and motivates them.Older people often find it harder to learn new skills compared to younger people.As we get older we get more 'set in our ways' and used to our own ways of doing things, and become less adaptable to different methods and ways of solving problems. New skills are harder to learn for older people,partly because they lack the motivation and inspiration to change.

3. Is a good teacher important for students to learn?

A good teacher is pretty essential, I'd say. I think that we learn a lot from the ways a teacher presents information to us, and how motivating and inspiring and engaging a teacher is. A teacher who can really show us the value of what we are learning can be highly motivating.But, as well as having a good teacher, students should nurture and develop an attitude of curiosity and willingness to learn. This can be aided by parents and facilitated by good upbringing.

4. Do you think students can learn better at school or at home?

l think students can certainly learn better in school, if the school environment is a positive learning environment for them. It totally depends on the school culture and how it's set up and the kinds of teachers the school hires. Children can most certainly learn the basics and a good attitude to learning from home though. I think home and parental upbringing is basically the springboard of sound learning, then a good school is the best thing for developing that learning more professionally. Do you think students can learn better at school or at home?

课程名称 班级人数 课时 学习周期 适用学员
雅思大学生中级封闭营 15-18人 180 3周 三个月内雅思实考/
雅思大学生封闭营 15-18人 180 3周 三个月内雅思实考/
托福大学生封闭营 15-18人 100-180 2-3周 三个月内托福实考/

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