
位置:上海集思未来科研背景提升 > 金融商科类> 上海金融商科核心课题:探索苹果和阿里巴巴等公司背后的企业估值与盈利能力的综合研究



  • 开班时间:滚动开班
  • 课程价格:电话咨询
  • 培训周期:电话咨询
  • 上课地点:上海发送地址到手机上
在线咨询 预约报名




一、开始日期: 2022-12-10

二、课时安排: 7周在线小组科研+5周论文辅导


适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生

适合专业 (Major): 适合对于金融、公司金融、会计、经济、商业、管理等专业感兴趣或希望修读相关专业的学生



剑桥大学 University of Cambridge终身教授&项目主任

Pedro教授目前任教于英国剑桥大学Judge商学院,同时也是剑桥大学金融硕士的项目主任。他曾为剑桥大学等多所大学的MBA,EMBA,MPhil等专业教授课程。Pedro教授学术研究成果丰富,在专业期刊中发表了数篇论文并被多次引用,其中较为的期刊包括《Management Science》、《Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis》和《Journal of Finance》等。得益于导师出众的学术能力,他被授予Q Group的研究奖(2012),2013年和2018年被Inquire Europe授予特殊荣誉称号,2015年获得了NAC&Blackrock公司治理创新挑战奖,并且被PanAgora资产管理协会授予了2015年度Crowell奖。Pedro教授在业内家喻户晓,多次被邀请出席相关专业的国际会议研讨,并且多次受到了英国广播公司(BBC)、Financial Times和其他电视频道的采访。除了出类拔萃的学术研究成果,Pedro导师也拥有丰富的社会工作经验,他曾担任Mondrian Investment Partners的顾问,并担任联合国常设仲裁法院以及其他企业的估值。

Pedro is currently a Professor of Financial Economics at the Judge Business School (University of Cambridge, UK) and the Director of its Master of Finance program. His previous teaching experience includes courses for MBA, EMBA, MPhil, and Executive Education students at Cambridge Judge Business School, London School of Economics, IESE Business School, London Business School. In 2012 and 2015, he was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award by Cambridge Judge Business School. In 2021 he was nominated by the London School of Economics’ Student Union for an Inspirational Teaching Award. His professional experience includes working as a consultant for Mondrian Investment Partners and as a corporate valuation expert for the United Nation's Permanent Court of Arbitration, for real estate companies and for pharmaceutical companies. His research focuses on topics such as security lending markets; short selling; and limits to arbitrage. He regularly presents his work in the top academic conferences and contributed with articles to the popular press, being interviewed by the BBC and other TV channels. He has published his work in the most prestigious Finance journals in the world, like the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, and the JFQA. In 2012 he was awarded one the Q Group’s research awards, in 2013 and 2018 an award by Inquire Europe, in 2015 the NAC & Blackrock Global Challenge for Innovation in Corporate Governance prize, and one of the 2015 Crowell prizes given by PanAgora Asset Management.


剑桥大学,是一所世界的公立研究型大学,坐落于英国剑桥。其与牛津大学并称为牛剑,是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为“金三角学校”和“G5超级大学”。剑桥大学是英语世界中第二古老的大学,前身是一个于1209年成立的学者协会。 2019-20年度位居THE世界大学声誉排名第4。2020-21年度位居世界大学学术排名第3 、THE世界大学排名第6 、QS世界大学排名第7、U.S. News世界大学排名第9 。 八百多年的校史汇聚了牛顿、开尔文、麦克斯韦、玻尔、玻恩、狄拉克、奥本海默、霍金、达尔文、沃森、克里克、马尔萨斯、马歇尔、凯恩斯、图灵、怀尔斯、华罗庚等科学巨匠,弥尔顿、拜伦、丁尼生、培根、罗素、维特根斯坦等文哲大师,克伦威尔、尼赫鲁、李光耀等政治人物以及罗伯特·沃波尔(首任)在内的15位英国首相。 截止2019年10月,共有120位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第二)、11位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第六)、7位图灵奖得主(世界第八)曾在此学习或工作。



Corporate valuation is to take an enterprise as an organic whole and conduct a comprehensive measure of its total fair value based on all assets owned or occupied and the overall profitability and taking into account factors affecting its profitability, combined with the macroeconomic environment and industry background. Enterprise value not only demonstrates the health status and development trend of the company to outsiders but more importantly, conveys corporate information to employees at all levels within the company and cultivates employees' loyalty to achieve the purpose of cohesion.


无论我们是想自己投资、成为投资银行家、首席财务官或市场总监,了解公司身价背后的主要思想和核心概念对于我们的个人和职业生涯都是至关重要的。 在日益化的世界中,了解估值的工作原理使我们可以更好地了解推动公司成功(或失败)的因素。本项目将为学生提供估值相关的重点概念以及财务会计的介绍。我们将讨论如何预测未来的现金流量,折现率,以及如何使用倍数估值对公司进行估值以及市场运作,更好地了解金融市场并创造一个积极正向的环境。

Regardless of whether you want to invest your own money, become an investment banker, a Chief Financial Officer or Marketing Director, understanding the main ideas and concepts behind how much a company is worth is essential to your personal and professional life. In an increasingly globalized world, understanding how valuation works allow us to have a better understanding what drives the success (or failure) of a company. The course provides students with a general overview of valuation, with a brief introduction to accounting. We will discuss how to forecast future cash flows, discount rates, and how to value companies using multiples’ valuation. markets operate. The course will involve online lectures and group work, creating an engaging and stimulating environment for a better understanding of global financial markets.


货币的时间价值,现金流与净现值 Time-value of money, cash flows and net present value

财务报表与现金流概述 Introduction to financial statements and cash flows

现金流折现估值模型 Discounted cash flow valuation models

倍数估值 Multiples Valuation

小组评估准备: 战略与现金流估算 Group Valuation Preparation: Strategy and Estimating cash-flows

项目回顾与成果展示 Program Review and Presentation

论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring


1、7周在线小组科研学习+5周论文指导学习 共125课时+不论文指导


3、学员获主导师Reference Letter





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