
位置:深圳集思未来教育 > 计算机与人工智能> 深圳集思Python在网络爬虫、机器学习及数据可视化中的应用



  • 开班时间:滚动开班
  • 课程价格:电话咨询
  • 培训周期:电话咨询
  • 上课地点:深圳市福田...发送地址到手机上
在线咨询 预约报名



开始日期: 2022-12-10

课时安排: 7周在线小组科研+5周论文指导


适合年级 (Grade): 高中生/大学生

适合专业 (Major): 数据科学、计算机科学、数据可视化、数据分析、机器学习等专业或希望修读相关专业的学生,对Python在数据可视化中的应用感兴趣的学生;


Instructor Introduction导师介绍


麻省理工学院 (MIT)终身教授


Mark导师现任麻省理工学院(MIT)终身教授,曾获素有“诺贝尔风向标”美誉的美国斯隆研究奖、国际较具声望的博士后奖励Hubble Fellow,并在多个年份获得Web of Science高被引学者称号


Prof. Mark is an Associate Professor at MIT whose research interests span topics such as astrophysics, machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. He makes extensive use of numerical simulations using state-of-the-art high-performance supercomputers around the world. He also employs machine learning and data science techniques to analyze simulation data.



Program Background项目背景

随着化及数字化,Data行业的薪资水涨船高。世界较大的招聘搜索引擎indeed统计了2021年25个较高薪职位排名,Data Scientist赫然在榜。而在大数据迅猛发展的,各个行业无一不在Data岗花大手笔招人。根据招聘公司Hays的数据,2020年中国Data Scientist职位的年薪,甚至可以超过日本和新加坡。即使是属于Data入门级的Data Analyst这一职位,字节跳动、Thoughtworks的平均月薪就高达3.6万元人民币。根据的咨询公司麦肯锡较新报告表明:“在未来的2-3年间,仅美国商业分析师的人才缺口就高达10万之多。

With globalization and digitization, salaries in the data industry have risen. Indeed, the world's largest job search engine has ranked the 25 highest-paying jobs in 2021, and Data Scientist is on the list. In China, where big data is developing rapidly, every industry is spending a lot of money on recruiting people for job roles in data science. According to the global recruitment firm Hays, the annual salary of a Data Scientist in China in 2020 can even surpass that of Japan and Singapore. Even for the entry-level Data Analyst, the average monthly salary of ByteDance and Thoughtworks is as high as 36,000 yuan. According to the latest report from the world-renowned consulting firm McKinsey & Company: "In the next 2 to 3 years, the talent gap of business analysts in the United States alone will be as high as 100,000.

Program Description项目介绍

项目内容包括Python编程与数据可视化、Python 可视化程序库Matplotlib、Numpy框架、数据获取、数据检索、数据探索、数据可视化分析、数据可视化框架Tableau等。学生将通过项目,在项目结束时,自选Python框架,开发数据可视化应用,提交个性化研究课题项目报告,进行成果展示。The course covers various visualization techniques for big data using Python combined with machine learning and data retrieval and storage techniques. The course will also cover database techniques to store the data.

个性化研究课题参考 Suggested Future Research Area:

利用机器学习摸拟交通数据及其新冠传播影响 Global traffic data and its impact on the spread of diseases

金融时间序列数据可视化分析 Financial data and correlations to make portfolio forecasts

人口增长速度与房价上涨速率相关性分析 Correlation between house pricing and population growth and comparison of different countries


Python编程与数据可视化:Python中的基础语法与逻辑 Data Visualization with Python:Introduction to Python Programming

Python编程与数据可视化:Pandas、Matplotlib等常用包 Data Visualization with Python: Pandas, Matplotlib,Foliom and other visualization frameworks

机器学习与数据分析:Machine Learning in Python

网络爬虫、数据抓取及存储技术 Data retrieval and storage techniques

学术研讨1:教授与各组学生探讨并评估个性化研究课题可行性,帮助学生明晰后续科研思路 Final Project Preparation Session I

学术研讨2:学生将在本周课前完成程序设计原型(prototype)及伪代码(Pseudocode),教授将根据各组进度进行个性化指导,确保学生优质的终期课题产出 Final Project Preparation Session II

项目成果展示 Final Presentation

论文辅导 Project Deliverables Tutoring

Program Outcome项目收获

7周在线小组科研学习+5周论文指导学习 共125课时+不论文指导


学员获主导师Reference Letter




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