
位置:攀枝花新航道雅思托福培训学校 > 学校动态 > 雅思口语:描述一个你将来想居住的城市


来源:攀枝花新航道雅思托福培训学校时间:2021/9/15 9:48:06

  Describe a town or a city where you would like to live in the future.
  You should say:
  Where it is
  How it is like
  When you plan to live there
  And explain why you would like to live there.
  For this topic,I would say the answer is definitely my hometown,Zhangjiakou,a city in the upwind and up-current areas of Beijing,I mean it’s only 200 kilometers away.
  In the past,people only heard about the name of my hometown from the weather forecast on TV.They never really got to know my city.Until a few years ago,Beijing and Zhangjiakou succeeded in a joint bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games,that is to say that this great event of nationwide celebration will attract world attention to Zhangjiakou,and the Olympic economy will surely inject great impetus into the development of the city.
  Apart from the famous tourist attraction,I also heard that Zhangjiakou will become an international leading low carbon city,and that means the city will provide lots of job opportunities for those who study and work in this region,and I’m one of them,so basically this is the biggest reason why I would like to go back and live in there.
  Plus,I have to say,hosting a low-carbon Olympic Games is also a window to showcase our concept of green development in China,therefore,I’m really proud of my hometown.
  1)bid n.投标
  2)that is to say也就是说
  3)impetus n.动力;推动;促进;刺激

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