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来源:太原新航道学校时间:2020/10/13 17:08:53

  雅思口语考试中Pronunciation(发音) 是四项评分标准之一,平时同学们备考会花很多时间在 Fluency & Coherence (流利度与连贯度)、Lexical Resource (词汇量)、Grammatical Range & Accuracy (语法范围与准确度)上面,很少有同学会有意识地注意自己的发音。



  我们以下面这道part3 真题为例,来讲一讲发音的具体规则:

  Part 3

  Q: What kind of work do you think is the most challenging?

  A: In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare, I think the job of a doctor is the most challenging one. And I would say it is more and more like the job of a chief executive. The people who run hospitals and physicians’ practices don’t just need to know medicine. They must also be able to balance budgets, motivate a large and diverse staff and make difficult marketing and legal decisions which means as a doctor, he or she should master variety of skills.


  连读为蓝色字体;重读为加粗字体;停顿为 /;升降调为↑↓。

  In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare↑, / I think the job of a doctor is the most challenging one↓. /And I would say / it is more and more like the job of a chief executive↓. / The people / who run hospitals and physicians’ practices don’t just need to know medicine↓. They must also be able to balance budgets↑, / motivate a large and diverse staff↑ / and make difficult marketing and legal decisions↓, / which means as a doctor, he or she should master variety of skills. ↓

  一. 连读的单词


  a. 连读时的吞音。就是吞掉一个音位,一个音素,通常吞掉的是单词后的t, d例如:

  fast-changing fas-changing

  I would say I woul-say

  don’t just need to know

  don-jus-nee-to know

  diverse staff divers-taff

  b. 直接连读catenation / linking,个词以辅音发音结尾,后一个以元音发音开头会用连读,例如:

  of a of-a



  They must also be able to balance budgets, motivate a large and diverse staff and makedifficult marketing and legal decisions, which means as a doctor, he or she should master variety of skills.

  三. 需要停顿的点

  a. 一般情况下,在口语陈述过程中,我们首先需要在标点符号处停顿,例如:

  In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare, / I think the job of a doctor is the most challenging one.

  b. 除此之外,当分句出现时也需要断句,例如:

  The people / who run hospitals and physicians’ practices don’t just need to know medicine.

  c. 在说较长的句子时,我们也需要根据意群进行停顿,例如:

  They must also be able to balance budgets, / motivate a large and diverse staff / and make difficult marketing and legal decisions, / which means as a doctor, he or she should master variety of skills.

  四. 确定每句断句和结尾处升降调


  a. 降调情况:

  1. 陈述句,例如:

  The people who run hospitals and physicians’ practices don’t just need to know medicine↓.

  2. 感叹句;

  3. 以when,where, how 等开头的特殊疑问句;

  b. 升调情况:

  1. 疑问句;

  2. 陈述句较长,中间划分意群,例如:

  They must also be able to balance budgets↑, motivate a large and diverse staff↑ and make difficult marketing and legal decisions↓, which means as a doctor, he or she should master variety of skills. ↓



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