
位置:中山美联英语 > 师资力量 > Janice/袁静敏


Janice Yuen, is a local teacher in Meten. My major is English education and she has been teaching in Meten for more than 2 years. In my free time, I'm fond of practicing yoga, reading some books and taking a walk in the garden.  I like teaching in Meten and I met a lot of interesting and talented people here, hope you enjoy your stay in Meten !! 
 Janice, 毕业于华南师范大学(英语教育专业)。在从事外贸工作5年多之后,还是选择了更适合自己的教学工作,现已在美联从教两年多。工作之余,我喜欢练练瑜伽,阅读和散步。学到老活到老,是我的人生座右铭。
