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来源:无锡美联线上英语时间:2020/7/28 14:22:48



seemed far-reaching for most Chinese. Now, however, we are all aware that everything has two sides. _____ is no exception in its development. With the advert and popularity of _____, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.

Another equally essential factor why I advocate _____ involves the realm of _____. No one can deny that _____. Obviously, it is imperative that _____. Meanwhile, a recent survey (/a typical example) will make this point clear and acceptable; _____. However, we should concede that dispite the merits of _____ mentioned above, overextented _____ will be indeed counterproductive, even harmful. The harm it produces is, in my opinion, both palpable and profound. For individuals, it has a debasing impact on _____; for society, it may promote a negative tendency toward _____. (advantages/disadvantages) (discuss both views) On one hand, However, _____ has also brought about (/given rise to/led to/resulted in/caused/created) a lot of problems.

Weighing the pros and cons of _____, I strongly commit to the notion that _____, not only because _____, but also because _____. (advantages/disadvantages) To sum up, the key point is how to make good use of its positive aspects and avoid its negative points. While taking advantage of _____, we must try to find ways to reduce its disadvantages, namely, _____, to a minimum. (discuss both views) In any case, whether the ultimate effect of _____ is beneficial or detrimental, one thing is certain that _____ in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society. (Weighing the two sides, both arguments seem to be reasonable, after all.)




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